
Kerrie's accounts of the outhouse. Yes, outhouse.

Kerrie my next door neighbor told me a little bit about what it was like growing up in one of the other houses on the property. The house directly across from the original house is where she now lives. It had been broken up into two separate homes, the other which is about two hundred yards away being rented.  Though running water was installed with at least one faucet across the way in the fifties they didn't have running water and indoor plumbing until 1962 in the house she lives in. She walked me around the back of the house to show me where THE OUTHOUSE was. There was also no formal kitchen in that house. When they prepared meals at the larger home the whole family would join in,  I found that very interesting. I think it also comments on the difference between then and now. Food was prepared meal by meal, it brought families together, and unhealthy diets, food grazing at leisure was just not an option for people.  This family style dining seemed to be an arrangement of necessity not choice, but I imagine it did provide time to bond and an experience many don't have today.

This is where the outhouse was nearly fifty years ago. The board on the tree was the anchor.